Friday, August 22, 2008

Takin a break

3 weeks huh? woops.

I hit that burnout stage in poker that I do every time I play for an extended period of time. On this bankroll I started playing in January, hit burnout in April, and I'm hitting it again. So I'm taking a break for a bit and coming back whenever I get the urge to play. I cashed out about 1/3 of my BR and luckily that leaves me with more than enough grind 50nl and even pretty well rolled to play 100nl if i decide to take shots, so its not hurting me in that respect.

Luckily there is football :). 6 days until CFB starts up, 8 until BG and OSU play their first games. Oddly enough I'm definately more excited for the BG game this weekend, but that may have something to do with OSU playing youngstown state and BG playing @Pitt and I'll get to be on the field shooting highlight at Heinz Field. There are a handful of other games I'm interested in, Utah @ Michigan is definately one of them. First year in a RRod offense for Michigan should be high comedy, though it'll be hard to top last year's opener.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

I woke up at 6am today for ungodly reason. With nothing to do I obviously turned to poker, which I've now deemed a mistake. I dropped a quick 4 BI and spent the next 1800 hands trying to claw my way back to even before getting coolered a few times and finding myself right back at that -$200 mark, dropping my BR below $3,000 for the 3rd time since breaking 3k a little under a week ago. I didn't recognize anybody I was playing with obviously. From now on morning poker is for tournaments only when I get the urge to play.

I took my first shot at 100nl later, just 2 tabling with wali on the mic to make sure I don't donk off a couple larger than normal BIs. I was pretty happy with the results:

403 hands -- +49.70 -- 6.17ptBB/100 -- EV adjusted +95.54 -- W$woSD +76.30

I'm sure that W$woSD stat isn't gonna be typical, but I did get a sense that people were thinking through hands a bit more and were more capable of laying down hands moreso than at 25nl/50nl. Plus I ran into some good 2barrel and semi-bluff spots.

some highlights
1st big hand, welcome to 100nl
big semi-bluff -- naff1 was playing all around spewy, after this hand i vow to get his stack
i get naff1's stack
this never worked at 50nl

Adventures with Bodo84
3-betting me eh?
this seems familiar
now he hates me
thats more like it

Bodo had been 3-betting me pretty relentlessly from the BB. He took down 2 small 3-bet pots against me as I started to call his 3-bets light and threw in a light 4-bet for good measure. I definately got the best of the ~150 hands we played together ending up +$31 vs him. I was pretty happy not to come out on the tilt-inducing side of that little adventure.

Oh yeah, I almost got blown off the top of the press box at practice today. The weather went from calm and overcast to 40-50mph wind gusts rather quickly. The camera case went overboard but I stuck it out for most of the practice and managed not to miss any plays in the process before I got summoned down by the boss. It is rather unsafe up there given the wind conditions in BG, good thing I'm not afraid of heights I guess.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

This call only works in August

I was having a fairly marginal session, up about 1/2 a buyin over 500 hands, then this happened. I had some history with the villian which inspired the call, I actually figured him for AcKc, but turned out to be in much better shape this way. Picked up another $25 in the next few hundred hands and clocked out for another +$100 day.

I'm still ~$6,900 away from my $10,000 goal by the end of the year, but it does seem doable. Somebody ran the numbers and 100k hands @ 100nl for 2 months at 4ptBB/100 + rakeback would get me there. I don't expect to play 100k hands per month any time soon, but I do have 5 months to get there and I've done 50k hands in a month before. Regardless, I thought it was a very lofty goal in the first place and didn't really expect to get there(or know how feasible it was) unless i hit a decent tourney win(lol). I'd be pretty happy to look at my BR in late December and only see myself in the high'ish 4 digits.

Still on track for iron man for the month. I'm liking my chances of getting there. Kind of a shitty promotion but I'll need to get there for the next two months if my tentative plan to get the 24" moniter from the ftp store in 2 months. the $100 bonus I'll get for that at the end of the year makes it pretty well worth it too. I'd like to get >$500 in in the end of the year ironman bonus this time, I only got $200 for the mid year and I think I easily could have done better.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Football is good

Football is coming fast, which means the next 6 months will be fun and interesting, then another 6 months of tedium and filling time by convincing myself I enjoy other sports enough to call myself a "fan".

Camp opened up at BG, and they already look about 1000x better than they did at this point last year, when I swear nobody caught a pass until week 3. The new JUCO QB has some wheels and likes to use them apparently. I was somewhat surprised at the number of snaps he got. Season outlook is positive, Phil Steele has us winning the MAC East, which would be nice. Going to the MAC championship game in Detroit would be fun, and bowl games are fun unless you're Antonio Smith.

I watched the first NFL preseason game. Indy vs Washington is an interesting matchup for the first game, but then again its preseason which is only interesting for 2 games anyway. I was done watching midway through the 3rd quarter, but then Indy dropped the proverbial smelling salt on all the bored fans watching by bringing in the hefty lefty himself, jared lorenzen.

Thats just game over right there. You can't not watch him, he's 285 lb of fucking fantastic.

Poker is going well. August is already my most profitable month to date, here's hoping it stays that way. I'm destroying 50nl lately, and I still have 4 coaching sessions from SootedPower I've yet to cash in on. I may have to take those at 100nl at this rate, hard to believe when I scheduled those I was down >20BI at 50nl and 8 tabling 25nl just to stay above water. <3 variance.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

ZOMG 1st

I'm not at all interesting, but I have a phenomenal amount of interest in the uninteresting menial aspects that others choose to blog about themselves, so starting this up seems a bit overdue.

I play poker, get paid to watch football(for realz), and spend a lot of time watching sports and food network. I'm fundamentally lazy when it comes to anything I'm not genuinely interested in. Not the least bit motivated by money(unless its sitting on a poker table) and am sort of annoyed by people who are. This blog will encompass any subject that happens to be on my mind at the moment, with emphasis on poker and sports.